

The G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG) was mandated by Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to develop a G20 Sustainable Finance Roadmap (“the roadmap”) to help focus the attention of the G20, international organizations and other stakeholders to key priorities of the sustainable finance agenda and form consensus on key actions to be taken.

G20 Sustainable Finance Roadmap in English

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Action 01

The G20 encourages jurisdictions that intend to develop their own alignment approaches to refer to a set of voluntary principles:
Principle 1: Ensure material positive contributions to sustainability goals and focus on outcomes;
Principle 2: Avoid negative contribution to other sustainability goals (e.g., through do no significant harm to any sustainability goal requirements);
Principle 3: Be dynamic in adjustments reflecting changes in policies, technologies, and state of the transition;
Principle 4: Reflect good governance and transparency;
Principle 5: Be science-based for environmental goals and science- or evidence-based for other sustainability issues; and
Principle 6: Address transition considerations.

Action 02

Improve coordination at the regional and international level to facilitate the comparability, interoperability, and as appropriate the consistency of different alignment approaches, including via work of relevant IOs, and by encouraging:
  • Jurisdictions which intend to pursue a taxonomy-based approach to consider developing sustainable finance taxonomies using the same language (e.g., international standard industry classification and other internationally recognized classification systems), voluntary use of reference or common taxonomies, and regional collaboration on taxonomies.
  • Collaboration and active engagement of service providers, where consistent with applicable laws, with appropriate IOs and financial authorities to enhance comparability, interoperability, and transparency of approaches, including forward-looking portfolio alignment tools, ESG rating methodologies, verification and labelling approaches.

Action 03

Relevant international organizations, networks or initiatives to further advance work towards better understanding the technical aspects and interlinkages of existing and emerging alignment approaches, as well as good practices, and develop specific recommendations for enhanced comparability and interoperability.

Action 04

Better integrate transition finance considerations into sustainable finance alignment approaches, with a focus on interoperability with existing and emerging approaches for sustainable finance, based on the mapping and review of existing and emerging approaches by the SFWG and appropriate IOs.

Action 05

G20 and relevant IOs to identify opportunities to promote scaling up of climate and sustainable-aligned financial instruments, products and markets, including sustainable capital market instruments.

Action 06

G20 to welcome the work program of the IFRS Foundation to develop a set of internationally consistent, comparable, and reliable baseline standards for disclosure of sustainability-related information on enterprise value creation. These standards should build on the TCFD framework and take into account the work of other sustainability reporting organizations, involving them and consulting with a wide range of stakeholders.
  • The IFRS Foundation work program, including its proposed International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), should be governed by a transparent and inclusive governance structure with public oversight provided by the Monitoring Board and a process of consulting a wide range of stakeholders.
  • The ISSB should develop a baseline global sustainability reporting standard while allowing flexibility for interoperability with national and regional requirements, and taking into account the need to avoid disproportionate burdens on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • The ISSB should over time extend coverage from its initial focus on climate-related information to include other sustainability-related topics such as nature, biodiversity and social issues.
  • The reporting standard that the ISSB develops would be subject to review for endorsement by IOSCO. If endorsed, the standard could then be considered by individual jurisdictions, on a voluntary basis, via national or regional standard-setting processes or in establishing domestic reporting requirements. Jurisdictions will have their own legal frameworks for adopting, applying, or otherwise making use of international standards.

Action 07

Building on the ongoing work on data gaps by FSB, Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Bank for International Settlements (BIS), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other IOs, take concrete steps to further advance sustainability data strategies, governance and architecture frameworks that aim to improve data quality and accessibility for the financial system, and promote greater access to public sustainability data, including by developing a shared digital platform to improve accessibility to relevant publicly available sustainability data which is already available.

Action 08

Encourage work by relevant IOs on improving data quality, usefulness, and transparency of methodologies, such as metrics choices and weightings, from ESG rating agencies and other sustainability data providers.

Action 09

Encourage ongoing work by relevant IOs to better understand the challenges and benefits to sustainability reporting for SMEs and emerging market economies, and consider ways to address them, including via more efficient use of available information, leveraging on digital technologies, and enhanced capacity building efforts.

Action 10

Encourage relevant international organizations, networks, and initiatives to further advance the understanding of nature- and biodiversity related metrics and indicators used in disclosures by corporates and financial institutions.

Action 11

Building on existing work, relevant international organizations, networks, and initiatives should over the short to medium term explore the potential financial risk and financial stability implications of climate risks, and, as appropriate, expand the coverage of risk analysis to include other sustainability risks such as nature- and biodiversity-related risks, over the medium term.

Action 12

As key risks are identified, G20 central banks, ministries of finance, regulators, and supervisors are encouraged, on a voluntary basis, to coordinate through the FSB, standards-setters, NGFS, and other bodies, as appropriate, to effectively identify, measure and manage sustainability-related financial risks. This may include the development of consistent risk definitions, tools, and methodologies to assess financial sector exposure to sustainability risks, including for climate risks, and by making use on voluntary basis of the NGFS’s reference scenarios. This may also include coordination on supervisory activities on the measurement, management and reporting of sustainability risk exposures, including regulatory guidance and supervisory expectations.

Action 13

SFWG will work with the G20 Framework Working Group (FWG) to enhance understanding of the macroeconomic implications of climate risks and climate policies, including the impacts on growth, inflation, employment, income distribution and the costs of transitioning both within and across jurisdictions, as well as the policy mix needed to mitigate these impacts.

Action 14

Encourage MDBs to raise their ambition on climate action, including via:
  • taking concrete steps to ensure alignment of their operations to the goals of Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda, promote transparent reporting, and analyze their own progress toward alignment. The G20 encourages MDBs to pursue alignment of their operations to the goals of the Paris Agreement within ambitious timeframes, while continuing to support the 2030 Agenda;
  • expanding MDB de-risking facilities for crowding in private sector investments;
  • devoting efforts to capacity building for greening the financial systems in emerging markets and developing economies, including to SMEs, while taking into account the varying country contexts in terms of development levels and needs as well as market maturity;
  • supporting just climate transition of their clients via enhanced efforts for capacity building, while facilitating demonstration projects; and
  • assisting country authorities in developing sustainable recovery strategies and delivering against their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and SDG and biodiversity goals.

Action 15

Encourage IFIs, including MDBs, other relevant IOs, and public funds more broadly to mobilize private finance. This can be done through assisting developing country partners in helping domestic financial systems align with the goals of the Paris Agreement and national SDGs plans, developing blended financial instruments and mechanisms, engineering de-risking facilities, and taking other actions to eliminate barriers to sustainable investments with the objectives of promoting private sector investment in sustainability.

Action 16

The SFWG will work with other G20 groups, relevant international organizations, networks and initiatives as appropriate, to analyze the implications of public policy levers on market signals that could influence sustainable investment decisions. These policy levers could include mechanisms to support clean energy sources, schemes for rationalizing and phasing out inefficient subsidies for fossil fuels that encourage wasteful consumption and, if appropriate, the use of carbon pricing mechanisms and incentives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote green transitions and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, while providing targeted support for the poorest and the most vulnerable and in accordance to each country's circumstances.

Action 17

Appropriate IOs or international initiatives to develop a stock-take of emerging digital solutions supporting the mobilization of sustainable investments, covering environment, climate, and other sustainability goals, and identify ways to foster coordination and interoperability on those digital solutions. Key areas of focus could include digital applications in sustainability reporting (such as the use of structured data, where feasible and appropriate), identification and labelling of products and assets, as well as transactions of sustainable assets.

Action 18

SFWG to work with appropriate IOs to develop high-level principles for a credible and consistent framework for financing a just climate transition. This work could map and review existing and emerging approaches, as appropriate, to:
  1. enable transitions towards a low greenhouse gas emission economy;
  2. explore options to incorporate transition considerations in sustainable finance alignment approaches (e.g., taxonomies, labels, portfolio alignment tools such as forward looking metrics);
  3. identify and develop credible transition metrics, pathways, targets, and low greenhouse gas emission development strategies;
  4. improve disclosure requirements;
  5. develop and expand tools to finance climate transition; and
  6. explore best practices for mitigating negative economic and social impact of climate transition on local communities and SMEs.

Action 19

IOs and other technical assistance providers should coordinate and align their capacity building efforts with the priorities identified in the Roadmap.